
When You Have Power, Use It

VP selection will test Kamala’s ability to use power if she wins. How?

Bassey BY
3 min readAug 6, 2024
Photo by Victória Neves on Unsplash

Are you a leader or an ice cream seller?

The VP candidate selection could be the key to Kamala’s success in November, offering hope and optimism for the future.

The pressure on VP selection is a pressure cooker. However, her decision could lead to victory, defeat, or a figurehead role without power. She must be aware of powermongers and coup plotters.

What makes VP selection prominent?

Is it wise for her to consider the return of those who once opposed her as a VP and potential presidential candidate? Join the conversation below.

Effective leaders learn from others’ failures and strive not to repeat the same mistakes ever. This enables people to gain invaluable knowledge and learn life lessons.

List’s see.

Hilary lost an election because everyone was telling her what to do, from crying to who to pick for a VP. This lesson can help Kamala make independent decisions.

Al Gore lost his own state because he picked a wrong VP and ignored the independent voters.

John Kelly lost because he picked a VP who care less about his wife who was sick of breast cancer.

Obama won with more of Biden’s blue-collar workers votes.

Biden won with more of Kamala’s black votes.

Kamala’s choice of VP can do three things:

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Kamala’s choice of VP can do three things:

I. VP helps her win more blue-collar and independent voters.

II. VP helps her lose the trust of uncommitted voters and grassroots donors.

III. The VP helps her govern, or undermine her authority, or kill her to take over the presidency.

How can a leader be undermined or killed?

As a black immigrant with an accent and a woman, my experience shows it’s a way of life in the US for external stakeholders to run the show while a leader warms the seat.

Here’s the bad news.

The bad news came out a few days ago — Kamala’s husband dated his daughter’s nanny during his first marriage, and what a powerful betrayal? All is good with his first family and everyone moves on.

Can he betray Kamala as he did to his first wife?

I heard you. “Cheating is common and everyone cheats.” You are right.

Cheating and dating your nanny is like killing your spouse — it’s a low-level betrayal and is troubling for a man who have the ears of the most powerful leader in the free world. Time will tell!

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©BY 08/2024.



Bassey BY
Bassey BY

Written by Bassey BY

I write lifestyle stories that help us get healthier, wiser, happier,& wealthier.I like to organize, garden, cook & walk. https://bassey.medium.com/subscribe

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