When You Have Power, Use It
VP selection will test Kamala’s ability to use power if she wins. How?
Are you a leader or an ice cream seller?
The VP candidate selection could be the key to Kamala’s success in November, offering hope and optimism for the future.
The pressure on VP selection is a pressure cooker. However, her decision could lead to victory, defeat, or a figurehead role without power. She must be aware of powermongers and coup plotters.
What makes VP selection prominent?
Is it wise for her to consider the return of those who once opposed her as a VP and potential presidential candidate? Join the conversation below.
Effective leaders learn from others’ failures and strive not to repeat the same mistakes ever. This enables people to gain invaluable knowledge and learn life lessons.
List’s see.
Hilary lost an election because everyone was telling her what to do, from crying to who to pick for a VP. This lesson can help Kamala make independent decisions.
Al Gore lost his own state because he picked a wrong VP and ignored the independent voters.