Your Voice

A poem about using your voice to create original things.

Bassey BY
Jan 19, 2021

“The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.” — Coco Chanel

Your voice matters.

She is peculiar, and the world needs her.
She is your body of work.
Your voice is your insightful mind.
Your voice connects you with your tribe.
Your real voice creates original ideas.
Your voice clears the noise and gives you hope and peace of mind.
Use your real voice; your voice matters.
Use your voice the way you want, and encourage her to push the boundary across the freeway or ocean.

“Be yourself. The world worships the original.” — Ingrid Bergman

Help yourself grow.




Bassey BY

I write lifestyle stories that help us get healthier, wiser, happier,& wealthier.I like to organize, garden, cook & invest.