Member-only story

Self/Help yourself grow

“What Ifs”

What if I get fired? — here

Bassey BY


“What Ifs”-Mizuno K

What if I lost my job? What if you just lost your job? What happens to your children and your bills? We all think of tomorrow and sometimes dwell on the past.

Are you thinking of what will happen if this place closes for good? I read articles about what is happening in this place — losing traffic, writers, employees, and readers. And I ponder what happened when we didn’t have this place and how many writing platforms we have now.

“The truth is you don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow. Life is a crazy ride, and nothing is guaranteed.” — Eminem.

The speculation is for tomorrow, and I don’t know what tomorrow will bring. Do you?


Recently, Governor DeSantis flew migrants from TX to MA for his self-interest. Unfortunately, a few days later, the Governor couldn’t pass the hurricane from his state to MA.

We don’t know tomorrow. Work with what you have today and hope for the best in the future.



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