Member-only story

Courage/Happiness/ Self/ Poetry

Look For a Reason & Happiness, and Not Excuse

Poem: It takes courage to get things done.

Bassey BY


What is your reason for being here?

Reason creates toughness,
Reason inspires ideas
It amazes actions.

What is your why for reading this poem?

It takes courage to read or get out of bed early in the morning when you don’t feel like it.

Find a reason for being alive and then do a happy dance.

Afghan women appeared on the street with their veils and demanded human rights. That’s right; they protested in the lion’s den — Taliban-controlled state. Afghan women have a reason to put their lives and families in danger.

What is your reason for being here?

Find your reason and be tough to do what you want or have to do now.

It takes courage to read a book, leave a toxic relationship or dead-end job, or write a unique story, or get out of bed early in the morning when you don’t feel like it. It takes toughness to get things done.

When we have a reason for what we want in life, we often find a way to do it. I remind myself to find…



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