Fiction Series/Relationships/Fiction

Good Women Are Better Cheats Than Men: I Cheated On My Honeymoon, And I Caught My Husband Cheating With the Same Person On Our Anniversary

Serena's story part 5: My truth is good women are not saints; they cheat too.

Bassey BY
3 min readMay 24, 2022


Women- Are- Better- Cheats- Than- Men-Photo by Saksham Gangwar on Unsplash

Part 5.

“Don’t cheat if you’re unhappy, leave.” — Unknown.

My name is Serena, and here is my story.

My mind was disturbed as I saw Jocab's body language in the presence of Sunny. My thought was, "do I want to know the truth or continue to believe the lie."

I kept my eyes and ears open and watched Jacob's every move, but I gave him more freedom to go out. I told him from the fourth night of our trip; I'll be writing in the hotel room from 9 pm to 11 pm.

I called Mike to hire a private investigator to follow Jacob in South Africa while I was watching too. I didn't want to miss any…



Bassey BY

I write lifestyle stories that help us get healthier, wiser, happier,& wealthier.I like to organize, garden, cook & invest.