Member-only story
Don’t Take Your Vote For Granted.
You have the right to value yourself and your vote.
What can you do moving forward? Hold politicians accountable for their actions while they are in office. If politicians can’t deliver on their promises, vote them out after two or four years. Or recall a do-nothing politician as Californians did with their former Governor, Mr. Davis.
I think voters can learn to make politics like a business — no sentiment or excuses not to evaluate a politician. Think of your own job’s annual evaluation or, as a student, your final examination.
“They only come to our community when they need our vote.” — Anonymous.
I can’t argue with Mr. or Ms. Anonymous. You are right. No one can take you for granted, including your mother or children. You have the right to value yourself and your vote.
Moving Forward:
As a human being, value your self-interest and be proud.
Plan to hold politicians accountable while they hold office. Vote them out after two years or four years. You have the power to call politicians out for their rubbish. Most importantly, never worship a politician who…