I don't know what to say here!
This policy benefits colleges and corporations more than the Black students or their community.
Who takes these cases to the supreme court? Let's pay attention to those people and refuse to give them our money and time or support their businesses in our neighborhood.
Harvard, for example, always takes the best of the black candidates and primarily international students from wealthy families. And the study shows many of the black students in these highly selected colleges make less money than their classmates after graduation. I have a friend with two children. One attended a state college, and one went to one of these highly selected colleges, and the result-- you guess!
I think we can start to be conscious of who or where we do business with--where do we spend our money? Just look at the people you give your money to --pay attention when you enter a nail salon, Chinese food restaurant, Hair shop, Uber, hair store, and church.
We can support our children to go where they are welcome.
Stop buying their food and hair and stop supporting their empire. They need us as we need them!
Well done.